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CR01 Concrete Patching using PatchPins
CS01 Crack Stitching a wall using HeliBars and HeliBond
CS02 Crack stitching a rendered wall using HeliBars and HeliBond
CS03 Stitching or strengthening corners using HeliBars and HeliBond
CS04 Repair of a crack near a corner in a cavity wall using CemTies
CS05 Repair of a crack near a corner in a cavity wall using DryFix
CS06 Crack stitching a solid wall using HeliBars
CS07 Crack stitching a rendered solid wall using HeliBars
CS08 Cross stitching a cracked solid wall using CemTies
CS09 Repair of a crack near a corner in a solid wall using HeliBars
CS10 Repair of crack near a corner in a solid wall using CemTies
CS11 Crack stitching near a corner in a stone wall using Helibars and HeliBond
CS12/CS13: Crack stitching near a corner in a stone wall using CemTies
CS14 Repair of a crack at a joint between a solid wall and a cavity wall using HeliBars
LB01 Creating a masonry beam in single leaf masonry using HeliBars
LB02 Creating load-bearing beams in caivty walls using HeliBars - external and internal beaming
LB03/LB05 Creating load-bearing beams in cavity or solid walls using HeliBars - external and internal corner beaming
LB04 Creating a masonry beam in solid multi-leaf masonry using HeliBars
LR01 Stabilising failed lintels in cavity walls using HeliBars
LR10 Stabilising brick arch lintels using HeliBars and CemTies
MA01 Masonry arch pinning using CemTies
MA06 Masonry arch pinning of debonded bricks using CemTies
MA07 Masonry arch pinning of debonded bricks using DryFix
MJ01 Creating movement joints in cavity walls using HeliBars
MJ02 Creating movement joints in solid walls using HeliBars
NH01 Strengthening new build masonry to resist cracking using HeliBars
NH02 Strengthening new build masonry above openings to resist cracking using HeliBars
NH03 Constructing a new tied arch lintel using HeliBars
PW01 Securing parapets in cavity wall using HeliBars and CemTies
PW02 Parapet repairs using HeliBars and CemTies
PW03 Securing curved parapet walls in solid masonry using HeliBars and CemTies
RB01 Restraining a cavity wall using BowTies into joist ends
RB02 Restraining a cavity wall using BowTie HDs into joist sides
RB03 Restraining a wall in a timber framed building using BowTies into joist ends
RB04 Tying walls to joist ends using BowTies
RB05 Tying walls to joist sides using BowTie HDs
RB06 Restraining a bowed wall from inside using DryFix
RF01 Pinning rubble-filled walls using CemTies
RF02/RF03 Repair of brick-faced random stone walls using CemTies through brick faces or mortar joints
RP01 Repinning separated thin panels or render using DryFix
RT01 Wall tie retrofit using DryFix
RT02 Wall tie retrofit using RetroTies
RT03 Wall tie retrofit using ResiTies
RT04 Wall tie retrofit using Asymmetric DryFix
RT05 Solid wall pinning using DryFix
RT06 Wall tie retrofit in a brick-block wall using DryFix
RT08 Veneer wall tie retrofit using DryFix
RT09 Wall tie retrofit in a steel frame veneer wall using DryFix and DryLink
RW01 Reconnecting a cracked internal wall to an external cavity wall using HeliBars
RW02 Reconnecting a cracked internal wall to an external cavity wall using CemTies
RW03 Tying an internal wall to an external solid wall using HeliBars
RW04 Tying a party internal wall to an external solid wall using CemTies
RW05 Reconnecting a cracked internal wall to an external stone wall using CemTies
SC01 Tying a wall to an inner leaf or frame using HeliBars, DryFix and DryLink
SN01 Connecting a new wall to an existing wall or frame using HeliBars, StarTies and DryLink
ST01 Tying a new masonry leaf to an existing wall using StarTies
ST02 Tying a new masonry veneer to a timber frame using StarTies
ST03 Tying a new masonry veneer to a steel frame using StarTies and DryLink
ST04 Creating a movement joint between a new party wall and an existing masonry wall using Star Ties
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