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RetroTie is a stainless steel remedial wall tie with an inner leaf mechanical fixing and resin bonding in the outer leaf that is effective in all common building materials.
1. Mark the points for RetroTie insertion on the face of the near leaf brickwork. Drill an appropriate diameter pilot hole through the near leaf brick and to the required depth into the far leaf. The hole should be drilled about half way up the brick and around 15mm from the end to avoid frogs and core holes
2. Widen the hole, through the near leaf only, to 12mm diameter. Clean the hole in both the near and far leaves
3. Load the RetroTie into the support tool, insert through the near leaf and drive home into the far leaf. The ‘O’ ring marker allows the cavity width to be measured and avoids over-driving
4. Position the plastic sleeve over the outer end of the RetroTie and slide it down the tie with the support tool until the mark on the tool stem is flush with the outer face. The sleeve centres the tie and seals the hole adjacent to the cavity
5. Security of fixing in the far leaf can be tested with a Helifix Load Test Unit
6. Inject PolyPlus resin until the hole is filled and then make good
• Versatile replacement wall tie
• Use where there is hard external brick material
• Use where random testing is required of the security of fixing in the inner leaf