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DryLink Remedial

DryLink is for connecting HeliBar reinforcement, installed into masonry to distribute stresses and provide in-plane strength, to wall ties, installed to provide out-of plane restraint. The system is suitable for both new build and remedial applications.

In new build applications, DryLink are fitted to newly installed StarTies and threaded together with HeliBar reinforcement as the outer leaf is constructed.

In remedial settings, DryFix ties are installed before the connectors are fitted and threaded together with HeliBar installed into channelled out mortar joints.

HeliBond grout is used to bond the system in place.

Material: Stainless Steel Grade 304
Diameter: 8mm
Use With: 8mm Helifix Remedial Wall Tie and 4.5mm Helibar Reinforcement

New Build

Step 1
Mark the locations for the ties on the face of the wall at the required spacing.

Step 2
Drill a pilot hole (typically 5mm) through the mortar using a light-weight rotary percussion drill. Continue drilling into the timber member behind to the required depth.

Step 3
Enlarge the hole through the outer leaf only to allow the tie to be placed and the seismic connector fitted over the end correctly.

Step 4
Cut out the bed joint to a depth of 30-40mm.

Step 5
Clean out the slot with a brush or blow pump and apply HeliPrimer WB or flush with water.

Step 6
Install the tie using the HRT power support tool leaving the end of the tie approximately 40mm below the face of the masonry.

Step 7 (Optional)
If required, or for additional security of fixing, inject EpoxyPlus resin to fill the hole. Proceed immediately to step 8 to ensure the connector is fitted before the resin cures.

Step 8
Wind the seismic connector over the end of the tie ensuring it is fully engaged. Position the connector with the end 10-15mm below the face, with the cross-holes horizontal.

Step 9
Thread HeliBar through adjacent connectors. Adjacent HeliBars may be overlapped with 100mm either side of the connector to make long continuous runs.

Step 10
Inject HeliBond grout over the HeliBar to the back of the slot, fill the holes and cover the HeliBar completely leaving 10-15mm for repointing.

Step 11
Point up the joints with a suitable matching mortar


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